4 min read
16th January 2019

A Guide For Buying Van Insurance

People are shopping around for the best van insurance policies, as the costs of premiums continue to rise year on year. This is partly due to the number of uninsured drivers on the road making premiums more expensive. This is why more and more people are turning to van insurance comparison sites to enable them to arrange their van insurance cover at the most competitive price.

It is illegal to drive without insurance in the UK, even if you don't drive the vehicle you must insure and tax it, unless you have declared it as being off rod via a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN (click here for more information)), so don't fall foul of the law get your van insurance today or declare it off road.

Obtaining the appropriate van insurance is extremely important for your occupation, especially if you are using the van or other commercial vehicle for business purposes, so getting the most affordable van insurance quotes possible should be a priority.

If you have more than one vehicle it may be better for you to look at fleet insurance.

black van

Types Of Cover Available

As with any type of insurance there are, usually, different levels and types of cover. Searching for cheap van insurance in order to save money, might seem a good idea but getting the type of van insurance, (whether commercial or private use), which is right for the vehicle and its usage makes better business sense. The best option long term, is using a UK van insurance provider with a reputation for quality, as cutting corners on your van insurance may turn out to be costly.

It always a good idea to explore the benefits of each types of cover carefully, before committing to a policy; the types of commercial van insurance cover available when searching for quotes are usually, fully comprehensive, third-party and third-party fire and theft, each one has different aspects of what a policy might cover.

Fully Comprehensive Van Insurance

Fully comprehensive, is usually the cover that is the most expensive because it, typically, covers the van, the driver and any property. It's still possible to get a cheap van insurance policy which is fully comprehensive. You may also be able to add on additional cover, such as breakdown protection and or legal cover.


Third party cover could offer the cheapest van insurance available, as this offers the minimum cover for van insurance that is legally allowed in the UK. This could be ideal if you have a limited budget or the vehicle to be insured is a low value.

Third-party only van insurance could be risky as the insured person is liable for the costs of fixing or replacing the vehicle owned by the policyholder. This type of policy only pays out damages to the other parties involved. Choosing a greater level of cover might be more suitable as third-party van insurance cover is really the bare minimum of van insurance protection.

Third-Party Fire And Theft

This type of van insurance cover offers the same basic protection, as third-party van insurance, however it could also provide cover for a van that is fire damaged or has been stolen. It is typically quoted at a lower cost than fully comprehensive van insurance.

Finding The Right Policy

Before deciding on a particular van insurance policy, comparing prices to find the cheapest van insurance is normal. What is useful in choosing a trusted UK comparison site such as quotezone for comparing quotes on van insurance cover, is that it could be tailored to individual requirements before returning the results. A young driver might expect to be charged a great deal for their van insurance policy, but a van insurance comparison quote engine might be much easier to get a cheap van insurance policy that takes into account their unique needs, for example.

Van Insurance Excess

As with any insurance policy it is usual that the first part of any claim be paid by the insured person, this is known as the policy excess. Depending on the insurance quote it could be variable; a lower excess, for instance could mean a higher premium and again using a comparison site might be a good way of surveying the companies available to van drivers.

Paying Van Insurance

There are several ways in which to pay for your van insurance policy, you could stagger payments and pay monthly which might be more expensive overall than paying up front, but for some this might be more convenient. Paying a deposit combined with monthly instalments could make life easier although, as stated earlier, a policy paid for in one go tends to be cheaper. There may, also, be an option with some insurers to have a no deposit van insurance policy which affords the option to distribute payments evenly over the term of the cover.

Getting Even Cheaper Van Insurance

It might be possible that your no claims discount could be used on a new UK van insurance policy or transferred so long as benefit isn’t already being used on another vehicle.

Sealing The Insurance Deal With Van Insurance Comparison Sites

You should always read the details of any insurance policy, fully, before buying it. That way you know exactly what you are paying for. A van insurance comparison site could help when comparing van insurance quotes, by directing you to the terms and conditions, before you commit to a purchase, and you can be certain the policy is right for you. So why not go compare van insurance today with quotezone and see if you could save money on your van insurance?

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