3 min read
28th December 2018

Backpacker’s Guide

Backpacker Overlooking a plainsPhoto by Andrew_t8 from Pixabay

Our long-stay backpackers travel insurance is designed for those who want to explore the world without having to worry too much about the risks involved. No matter how much you research and how much you plan, there may always be a few bumps in the road and things could go wrong. Having said that, here are some top tips and advice on what to pack, tips that might help you make the most out of your time away:

  • Only the Basics – It is important to keep your items limited to ensure you bag is easily transportable. Provided here is a list of the items we recommend you require when backpacking: Travel towel, torch, sun cream and after sun (weather depending) padlock, scissors, underwear, secure money storage place such as a wallet or money belt, a separate rucksack for day trips, body wipes or sanitiser for hands and necessary clothing.
  • Essential Toiletries – Without taking the bathroom sink and shower, there are items you can pack in order to keep you clean and healthy whilst on your trip. Purchasing a small bag to fit these items in and all together can be a good thing. The bag contents: Shampoo and body wash, razors, body wipes to give you a quick clean if you are short on time, toothbrush, toothpaste and body spray.
  • First Aid Kit – Some essential first aid items can be things such as: Plasters, anaesthetic wipes, painkillers and diarrhoea pills, bandages and antihistamine creams such as diphenhydramine.
  • Electrical Items – An iPod, universal travel plug and a camera are the essential electrical items needed. It’s nice to have memories by taking lots of photos and listening to music can make time pass on long transport journeys, obviously the travel plug comes into play when these items require charging.
  • Clothing / Footwear - Obviously the weather plays a big part in helping you decide the types of clothing you will require. 
    • If you’re visiting a hot climate: Swim wear, light clothes such as vest or thin cotton t-shirts, a waterproof jacket, a hat to give you shade from the heat and some bug spray to keep away the pests. 
    • If you’ll be visiting a cold climate: things such as thermal jumpers and taking enough items to put 2 or 3 layers on (depending on temperature). Also keeping that water proof jacket to hand is still necessary.
    • It is vital to have the correct footwear when backpacking. For example wearing trainers or sandals can give you blisters and cause you discomfort. Therefore investing in a good pair of hiking or walking boots is advised.
  • Blog all about it  - Keep a travel blog while you’re away, by visiting different internet cafes along your journey. It is a good safety measure to provide family and friends back home with a detailed itinerary and writing a blog keeps them updated with any changes you make to your plans.
  • Insurance — Though we don’t want to put a dampener on your spirit of adventure; Finding insurance to cover your spontaneous travel plans can be tricky but should be a high priority on your checklist. Getting it right will mean the people back home are reassured and you won’t have any situation while you’re out there which will ruin your experience. Though it’s a good idea to do some research on the places you intend to visit and get a good idea about the political climate of the country and the best way to behave while you’re out there, the truth is you can never predict some things and on a backpacking trip things can very easily go wrong.


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