3 min read
26th February 2019

Going On Holiday — Don't Forget Your Home Security

It is quite a factual statement that being a victim of crime is not a nice experience for anybody, however being a victim of crime whilst on holiday can really ruin your relaxing, enjoyable vacation. Therefore taking precautionary measures to protect your home while you are away can help you feel at ease on your short or long period on vacation.

Before going on holiday, check the terms and conditions of your home / contents insurance and the rules and regulations of you being away from the property.

For information on travel insurance click Travel Insurance & to get home insurance click Home Insurance.

Prevent Crime And Protect Your Home, Learn How Below
  1. Make Your Home Look OccupiedDeter burglars by making your home look occupied. If you are on holiday things such as the curtains always being kept closed can attract a burglar. So why not ask a trusted friend or neighbour to enter your household and open and close curtains and even switch lights on and off, you can always return the favour for them. Use automatic light switches to come on and off when you are away, the smallest thing can protect your home.
  2. Assistance Of NeighboursNeighbours can come together in many ways and help keep your area safe. A neighbour can help to make your home look occupied: By, keeping your garden looking maintained, parking their car on your drive or outside your household or even making a daily stroll around your property.
  3. Secure All Property And ValuablesItems such as pedal cycles or other valuables that you normally leave in the shed, try to store them in your home, that way a burglar looking for a ‘quick steal’ will not be able make off with the possessions normally stored there.
  4. Cancel The Milk Or Newspaper DeliveriesAny newspapers clogging up your letter box including leaflets are an indication your home is empty, which is an indication you will not want to give off, the same theory applies for milk building up. “Unattended milk = unattended home.”
  5. Consider Leaving Important Documents With Family Members Or In A SafeIf your security is breeched make sure there are no documents lying around, which a criminal can take and cause further mischief: Bank details, pin codes, passports or other important documents, should be stored in a safe or with a member of the family or a close friend.
  6. Avoid Discussing Holiday / Trip Plans And Dates In Public Or On Social Networking Sites Where Strangers May Be Listening And Taking Note - It’s certain that you will be excited about your upcoming holiday/trip and cannot wait to relax, but try not to broadcast it, as you never know who is listening or reading. Coverage on social networking sites such as facebook & twitter, can give potential criminals a heads-up on when your home will be empty.
  7. Consider Post Office Additional ServicesFor a small fee the post office can hold back mail for up to 2 months meaning the clogging up of the letterbox will not occur and criminals will not have any tips or ideas as to when you are enjoying a holiday.
  8. Spare Key CautionIf you leave a spare key with a neighbour or a friend ask them not to put details such as house address or number on it as a reminder to them, losing or misplacing a key is a common mistake and you never know who will pick the key up.
  9. Double Check The Locking Of Windows And DoorsIn nearly a third of all burglaries the residents had left either the windows or doors opened when they left there home. Check, check and check again, do not give the burglar easy access.

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