less than 1 min read
10th September 2019

It never too late to learn to play an instrument

When people write bucket lists, learning to play an instrument rank's in many people's top 10 things to do.

It can, however, be quite daunting at first as you think about how much time it will take up. But you should also consider the benefits that learning to play an instrument can have on you, such as:

Remember it is never too late to start or learn something new and to be honest it might not take up as much time as you think once you start enjoying yourself as there is something quite rewarding about learning something new.

Before you start it's a good idea to plan your learning, so before you rush off and look for a teacher, you need to first decide which instrument you want to learn; and remember, the size and type of instrument may vary due to your size and age. For example, if you are a child and wanted to learn the guitar you might be best with a classical guitar with nylon strings as they are light and strings are gentle on the fingers. But most importantly you should choose an instrument based on the music you love, as being able to recreate the same sound will be so much more rewarding.

Sometimes less is more 

Just like fitness training sometimes short focused practice sessions are more productive than doing say hour-long sessions each day. So, why not try 10 -15 mins sessions per day. The reason for this is that sometimes people that keep repeating a purely mechanical action for an hour don't focus the mind and instead don't progress, whereas if you do shorter more focused sessions you progress quicker.

A good teacher can help you achieve your goals

A good music teacher will help you avoid building up bad habits, getting lessons online via the likes of YouTube may seem like a good idea but they won't give you any personal advice that you will need to progress.

Patience is key

The key to learning anything new is not being too hard on yourself, remember everything takes hard work and time. Just because you have a teacher and top of the range instruments doesn't mean that you will be the next Ed Sheeran overnight. Take your time and enjoy the process as your musical character develops.

Don't forget to insure your instrument

You should get musical instruments insurance your instrument for theft or accidental damage. It's a good idea to make sure you are covered anywhere in the UK. This will mean you are covered whilst taking it too and from lessons or out an about with you to family events or friends houses; once you've learnt to play you'll want to show it off.

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