2 min read
17th June 2019

Lost Car or House Keys

keys in lock

Everyone misplaces their keys at some point which is actually no surprise as the most commonly misplaced items are:

  • Keys
  • Mobile phone
  • Sunglasses
  • Purse / Wallet
  • Umbrella
  • Bankcard

Where are lost keys usually found?

Some wise person once said to me “apparently objects are usually found within eighteen inches of their original location” well that’s not much good to me when I don’t remember where the original locations were.

Anyway, the best way to find lost keys, and mobiles is to be logical about it.

  • You firstly need to stay calm which I know isn’t easy when your mad with yourself and everyone else around you as its obviously their fault- not. While the frustration just keeps building up don’t be tempted to just rummage around like a headless chicken you need to be smart and focused
    • Start by taking a few deep breaths and clear your mind of any panicky thoughts
    • Think of something that calms you down- happy memory, beautiful landscape etc
    • Think positively: it’s around here somewhere and I will find it
  • Now start to devise a plan of where to look
    • Think where do I normally leave my keys?
    • If not there where else would I leave them?
    • Where were my keys the last time, I missed place them?
    • What was I doing the last time I had the keys?
  • Now you have a plan of areas to look you also need to extend it to cover the immediate vicinity of each place for example
    • Your keys may be in the drawer underneath the counter you normally sit them on
    • In your coat pocket that you were wearing when you came back into the house
    • Also reach the area properly lift up items, as the keys may have fallen off a hook or out of your pocket.
  • Try and retrace your steps of the last time you remember having them and what you did. For example, you came in the door took the shopping into the kitchen and then placed them down on the table or in the fruit bowl while you put the shopping away.
  • Ask for help from people around you. It is possible that someone has accidentally grabbed your car or house keys by mistake.
  • If you have lost your keys outside of the home call the places that you have been that day, to see if they have been handed in.

Protect your car and house keys with our keycare insurance.

We provide you with a KeyProtect fob to attach to your keys to start your cover

  • Your unique fob number helps us identify your keys should they go missing
  • If your keys are found, we manage to get them back to you at your convenience
  • If your keys are not found, we KeyProtect will help get you back on track through our network of trusted locksmiths
  • No excess to pay 

Covers lost or stolen house keys, key cards and key fobs. Also covers your lost or stolen car keys or key-less entry cards.


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