2 min read
9th January 2020



The thrills of mono-skiing cannot be described in words, for there is nothing quite like this extreme winter sport for excitement and indulgence. There are three types of mono skiing, one is used for water skiing one for snow skiing and the final is a new experimental design that is equivalent to mountain boarding. Monoski looks similar to a snowboard, while mono skiers do have both feet attached to the board, they face forward with their feet parallel.

Risks of Mono skiing

Common injures for mono skiing include:

Broken Limbs






Many people do not realise that sunlight reflected off of snow is very damaging to the skin and can end up with a very bad sunburn. Make sure to stay covered up and use sunscreen with a high SPF of any exposed areas of skin


It is vital that you have the right equipment when you go out mono skiing, such as:






So is it really worth the risk to have no guarantee, no safety net for you to fall into if the worst-case scenario occurs?

By insuring yourself, before departing on what is, hopefully, to be an enjoyable holiday, you can be covered up to £25,000 for loss of limbs.

In addition, you can be covered for delayed or missed flights and even up to £10,000,000 for repatriation.

Nobody wants to be in a foreign hospital thousands of miles away from their family when they’re injured or ill!

Another perilous risk of mono skiing would be the unavoidable case of an avalanche. Avalanches kill over 150 people worldwide each year and force piste closures in every ski resort around the world, sometimes for days at a time. No one wants to pay for a skiing holiday then be unable to snowboard due to weather conditions which result in sudden avalanches!

So, here at cover4travel, we feel it’s only right you receive £100 after a full 12hour delay resultant of an avalanche. It is always advisable to be covered for any case of disaster, be it injury, airline failure, baggage delay or even holiday abandonment! Nobody knows what events may happen in the future so wouldn’t you rather be prepared for any form of catastrophe which may arise?! Plan ahead, be prepared and get insured.


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