2 min read
31st December 2018

No Christmas joy for pets again this year

As we approach the new year, we should reflect on what we have done over the Christmas.

Often people settle down to a Christmas movie, after finishing off an oversized Turkey, but did you know in the weeks after Christmas last year, the Dogs Trust received nearly 5,000 calls (December 26th - January 31st) from members of the public wanting to hand over their dog? Which equates to 138 calls per day.

Rescue centres like these are flooded with unwanted pets come January. As children that hung stockings by chimneys with care, in hope that a new puppy or kitten would soon be theirs, have now moved on to a new favourite toy and the puppy or kitten they so desperately wanted is soon forgotten about.

Animal rescue centre’s throughout the country are preparing to be inundated with unwanted pets. Taking on the care for an animal is a big responsibility that the magic of Christmas can often obscure. However, though Christmas shouldn’t be the reason to buy a pet, the new year can be a great time to give a rescue animal a new home as long as you’re fully prepared to look after it.


Christmas time as we all know is an expensive time for everyone and for new dog and cat owners the expenses can just keep on coming. While health problems are mainly associated with older animals, some breeds are prone to develop certain illnesses and defects and may need to visit the vet throughout their lifetime. Even a quick trip to the vets, if the problem is not serious, can be expensive. Keeping a goldfish or hamster might not break the bank but cats and dogs can set you back hundreds of pounds should they need medical attention. According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI) the average claim for emergency treatment is £750.

You might find that Santa’s placed Fido or Fluffy under the tree for you this year, perhaps with a bowl and a basket; maybe some flashing reindeer antlers or a festive cat costume; but it’s doubtful that he’ll have placed an insurance policy under there as well. If you’re set on bringing a new member into the family, and you’ve made the commitment to look after them; you should consider making sure your four-legged friend will be properly cared for and that you can afford to take them to the vet. This Christmas, Cover4Insurance allows you to compare Pet Insurance from 15+ providers in one place, helping you manage unexpected vet bills.

Michael Masterson from Cover4Insurance said: “New pets can offer great companionship and bring a lot of joy to the festive season. However, when the New Year comes, the responsibility of looking after an animal can be a harsh reality for new pet owners to face. Pet insurance is designed to cover the escalating cost of vet bills and gives you peace of mind so that all you have to worry about is giving your pet a good home”.


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