2 min read
5th April 2019

Protect You And Your Games Consoles


Since the UK release of the Sega Mega Drive back in November 1990, game consoles have continued to develop further and further. Nowadays game consoles are an essential part of everyday life and are used by thousands and thousands of people across the UK.

Game consoles are no longer just for a child to play the latest computer game; the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PS4 all feature much more than basic gaming functions. You can now:

  • Access and play games via the internet, 
  • play against your friends from right across the world and talk to them at the same time,
  • stream TV,
  • watch movies (DVD’s, Blu-Rays),
  • call and have video chats,
  • it can also contain a hard drive as powerful as most computers,
  • and allows you to surf the internet and update your social media all in one place.

When something is so important to someone it is vital you consider insurance. Here at Cover4Insurance we have tailored our product to provide comprehensive cover for your games console and other gadgets. Get games console & gadget insurance

Tips to protect your Games Console

  1. UV Marking – Mark your games console with an ultra violet pen, showing your name and postcode. This can assist the police when tracking stolen goods.
  2. Online gaming – Many people now use online gaming and play against people from all over the world. Be careful who you become friendly with and limit the amount of personal information you give out.
  3. Parental control – Most modern games consoles come with a parental control option. This means you can limit what games and what programmes your child uses on the device. This can stop your child going online and interacting with the wrong people, who may have bad intentions. You can also use this feature to stop them spending money without your permission. 
  4. Stop in game purchases - check out BBC Watchdog report on in-game purchases; where parents didn't realise that their children could buy in-game purchases, without parental consent, in their favourite games, such as Fortnite. This can usually be updated in the parental control settings and save you from a hefty bill.
  5. Lock your door – If you are a student or a tenant living in rented property, ensure you lock your individual door at all times. Avoid giving a criminal easy access to your property and the chance to steal your games console and other items.
  6. Downloads – Try and avoid downloading content on your games console unless you know it is 100% legitimate. By downloading unsafe content your games console could be subject to viruses and even online hackers.
  7. Stolen – If your games console is stolen be sure to change any online account passwords or personal details. Also, if you have an online gaming account de-register it so criminals cannot access your personal information.
  8. Insurance for your games console – Please be sure to get insurance  for your games console. Games consoles are essential to some people’s lives and in the event of theft, damage or loss occurring they can be difficult to replace due to the cost of all the games, accessories and extras. Companies like Cover4Insurance offer comprehensive insurance to protect your games console against things such as accidental damage, theft, accidental loss and breakdown at affordable prices.  
  9. Cyber insurance: You should also look to protect yourself from the ever increasing dangers of cybercrime such as hackers and online bullying.

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