1 min read
28th November 2018

Should I insure my pet?


Should I insure my pet?

Pet insurance protects your pet against unexpected vet bills, should they get ill or be injured.

Though you might question if it’s a necessary expense, as you may not have health insurance for yourself or other family members, its worth remembering that there is no NHS for the pet members of the family.

Unexpected vet bills can very quickly add up to hundreds of pounds. Ask yourself: can you afford to pay out a big lump sum if your pet needs emergency treatment?

  • According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI) the average claim for emergency treatment is £750.
  • The average cost of treatment is expected to rise as treatments continue to develop for pets. It is not uncommon for pets now to have physio treatment.

What is covered by Veterinary fees?

The cost of diagnosing and treating illnesses and/or injuries. This normally includes the cost of consultations, examinations, tests, x-rays, MRI scans, medication, bandages, surgery, and hospitalisation. Also, it often now includes alternative therapies like acupuncture, homeopathy and herbal remedies and complementary treatments such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and hydrotherapy.

When should I get pet insurance?

We would recommend that you purchase a pet insurance policy as soon as you get a new pet as most policies won’t cover the cost of treating any pre-existing medical conditions, it is often too late to buy a policy once an injury or illness has occurred.

What types of policy are there?

With pet insurance you can normally choose a policy that covers your pet(s) for the rest or its life, or ones that will only cover conditions until you hit a claim limit or a time limit.