3 min read
11th January 2019

Student Insurance

Off to college? Here’s how to look after your stuff while you’re there.

If you’re going away to college this January it can be a shock to your system.

Suddenly, you’re just landed in a whole new world of being an adult – and all the joys that it brings, such as:

  • Cooking.
  • Cleaning.
  • Getting to lectures.
  • Managing your finances.

All of a sudden, all the things that you took for granted at home you have to now do for yourself.

It’s not just looking after yourself you also need to look after your belongings as the cost of replacing them will seriously harm your living budget if they get stolen or damaged.

It is therefore important that you choose the right cover, which will save you a world of pain and unnecessary expense later on. Lucky enough Cove4Students is here to offer a range of simple covers to make it easy for you.


You might think “I don’t own a lot of stuff”.

But trust me it all soon adds up; there’s your:

  • Laptop, Tablet.
  • Mobile Phone.
  • Your clothes.
  • Your shoes.
  • Audio equipment – iPod, MP3 players.
  • Cameras.
  • Jewellery – watches, bracelets etc..
  • Your fit bits.
  • Your vinyl record collection.
  • You prize collection of vintage runners/bags/action figures/or whatever you’re into. 

So, although insurance is probably the last thing on your long list of to-dos, it’s actually one of those necessities that, providing you choose the right cover, will save you a world of pain and unnecessary expense later on.

Students and renting

Despite more of us renting – and for longer too – only one in four renters have contents insurance according to YouGov.

Get Tenants Insurance

The average student is no different to any other renter and is just as likely to have just as much stuff, including clothes, books, furniture, bikes and electronics.

And your landlord certainly won’t be responsible for your stolen or damaged belongings they may also would expect you to be responsible for there belongings left in the property you are renting.

Tenants Liability Insurance 

So the buck stops with you to cover your possessions.

With over 19,000 burglaries occurring in 2017 in Ireland - source the Irish Times  and 432,267 burglaries in the UK for the year ending June 2018, up to 2% on the previous year - source Office for National Statistics . The reason to insure your belongings is clearer now than ever.

Students and tech

As a student, you’re more reliant on your tech than most. As well as keeping you in touch with family and friends back home, and helping you navigate a whole new college social life, your smartphone and tablet work hard as an alarm clock, personal organiser, note taker, dictionary, file repository, calendar, encyclopedia and more. If you lose or break your precious gadgets, it’s not only inconvenient – it’s expensive. 

Mobile Phone and Gadget Insurance

Students and travel

With exams over, summer for most students means one of two things: travel or work. And with the advent of cheap travel, choosing the travel option has never been easier. According to the ABI 

  • Travel insurers are helping 3,000 travellers every week who need emergency medical treatment while abroad. £200 million paid out a year to help 150,000 people who fall seriously ill overseas.
  • One claim for treating a stroke in the USA has cost £760,000 - the equivalent of working over 25 years on an average UK salary of £27,500, and 38 times more expensive than the price of a new family car. Another claim, for a jet-ski accident in Turkey cost £125,000.
  • The cost of the average medical claim at £1,300 rose by 40% between 2011 and 2016. It is not uncommon for medical bills to run into tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds.

So whether your studying abroad or just taking a holiday make sure you have travel insurance

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