3 min read
18th January 2019

Student Room Insurance

Specialist Student Room Insurance

Protect your valuables such as mobile phone, laptop, iPad, Tablet, tv and books inside and outside of your room.

What’s covered within student room insurance?

Protect all the items in your room such as clothes, computers, tv’s etc

What is covered automatically?

  • New for old cover (except for clothing & bed linen where a deduction for wear and tear may be made, or mobile phones & games consoles which may be replaced with a model of comparable specification or equivalent value)
  • "Walk in Theft" cover for your student room - basically there doesn't need to be a physical break-in to the property for cover to be in place. So, say somebody comes back with one of your house/flat mates and walks into your room and steals an item then you are covered, provided you report this to the police.
  • Automatic cover for items left in your student room during holidays for up to 30 consecutive days as standard. You can also extend cover if you are going to be away for longer periods by selecting our Vacation Cover option.
  • Cover in direct transit between your permanent home address (within the United Kingdom) and your University/College address at the start and end of each term.
  • Tenants liability up to £5,000 as standard for fire and theft damage – can also be extended up to £10,000 and include accidental damage by selecting the optional cover.
  • Basic cover starts at £2,000 and can cover up to £14,000
  • Low standard claims excess of £10

Find out more about student room insurance

Choose the optional covers that you require such as:

  • Laptop, iPad's & portable computers - cover up to £3,000
  • Mobile phones – cover up to £1,000 for theft or accidental damage (including liquid damage or cracked screen) anywhere within the United Kingdom.
  • Musical instruments – cover up to £3,000 for theft or accidental damage anywhere within the United Kingdom. Also includes £100 cover for the cost of hiring temporary replacement musical instruments whilst your instrument(s) are undergoing a repair or awaiting a replacement.
  • Pedal Cycle – cover up to £3,000 for theft or accidental damage occurring anywhere within the United Kingdom. Cover also includes:
    • Public liability up to £1,000,000.
    • Pedal cycle accessories up to £250.
    • Cover in Europe for up to a maximum of 45 days during the period of insurance.
    • Replacement bike hire within the United Kingdom up to £420 (£70 per day)
  • Photographic Equipment - We provide specialist photographic equipment cover up to £5,000 for theft, accidental loss or accidental damage occurring anywhere within the United Kingdom. Cover also includes:
    • Public liability up to £1,000,000.
    • Photographic equipment accessories up to £150.
    • Replacement photographic equipment hire up to £800 (£200 per week)
    • Coursework / photographic portfolio cover up to £250
  • Course fees and rental protection – cover up to £20,000 for the reimbursement of non-refundable course fees and/or rent paid under a signed rental agreement if you are totally disabled as a result of:
    • Death of the insured
    • Sickness or accidental bodily injury which results in your disablement and you are unable to remain in your accommodation.

Find out more about student room insurance

Need Student Key care cover?

Provides cover for loss of keys, even if it’s a swipe card and locksmith charges

  • Replacement keys, replacement locks and any locksmith charge up to the annual cover limit of £500.
  • 24 hour, 365 days a year UK based emergency helpline.
  • Access to a nationwide network of locksmiths.
  • The full authorised claim with no excess to pay.
  • The keys for the property you occupy whilst studying, attached to the fob issued by Key Protect.

Living in University Halls of Residence?

If your living in a hall of residence of the University or private provider you may already have some cover in place as we work with accommodation providers and automatically insure over 100,000 students.

Check if your provider has already arranged insurance with us – Click here

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