3 min read
25th April 2019

Things To Consider Before University

Moving to University is without doubt a very stressful time for both a student and most importantly a parent/guardian. There are so many things to consider and it is quite easy to forget the most simplest of things.

Provided below are the things commonly forgotten about:

  • Kitchen Appliances — when moving to University a common mistake made by students during the mad rush is to buy everything they can possibly think of. The best plan of action is to hang fire on buying things like toasters, kettles etc. until arriving. If all tenants occupying the flat bring the same item it can be a waste of money.
  • Taking A Vehicle — around a lot of Universities it is quite difficult to park, a lot of areas have 2 hours Maximum Park or you even have to pay for each hour. It is advised that you contact the University and enquire about parking permits or places around the University to park. Also be sure to consider how much you will use the car, as insurance and road tax can be quite expensive.
  • Save Money Where You Can — university provides many opportunities to save money. Purchasing an NUS card at the start of term gains you 10% off at some high street retailers like TopMan. Also obtaining a railcard can save you up to 1/3 of each train journey.
  • Books — when University send letters to you, a recommended reading list is often provided. Do not rush out and buy all the books on the list as they can cost anything up to £60. Wait until you arrive at University as the library often has the books in stock which are available for rent FREE OF CHARGE!
  • How To Support Your Child Financially — during the University year there is no doubt it can be quite difficult to survive financially at times. Therefore setting up bank transfers with your child could be beneficial. Also when University loans enter a child’s bank account it could have been the first time they have had money, providing support with how to use the money wisely could help your child.
  • Mobile Phones — mobile phones are regarded as an essential personal possession for nearly all age groups in this current climate. Consider buying your child a pay as you go mobile, therefore you can top it up for them, and they can keep tabs on the usage instead of running up a high contract bill.
  • Social Networking — it might not be seen as cool to have your parents/guardians on social networking sites like facebook. However it is a free way to stay in contact. Therefore it could be an idea to set up a Facebook account to keep in regular contact with your child.
  • Doctor & Patient

    Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

  • Registering With A Doctor — it is important to register with the University doctor as illness could occur when away. This again is something that could slip the mind so it is important to stay on top.
  • Career Fair/Prospectus — career fairs attend to be viewed as boring and a waste of time for students. However at least at a career fair you may get the opportunity to speak to a qualified member of staff who has both experience and knowledge in your chosen field. Also the prospectuses you read from Universities give you an insight into your course, therefore take time to read them and see if the course is for you; also consult your parent/guardian on your favoured course.
  • Check Home Insurance — most home insurance policies do not cover a child when they are away at University. Therefore it is important you check this as you would not want all your child’s life belongings being stolen without insurance. Consider taking out a student possessions policy.

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