1 min read
18th March 2019

Tips For Keeping Your Bicycle Safe

Locked bicycle

Bicycles can be an important part of people’s lives, whether you cycle in order to get you to work, or cycle to school, college or university as a student, the last thing you need is for you bicycle to be stolen.

Write Down As Much Information As Physically Possible

  1. The make and model of your bike.
  2. The number on the frame.
  3. The type – BMX, mountain, racing, male, female, children.
  4. The colour.
  5. Frame size and wheel size.
  6. Identification marks – stickers, badges, repairs or even grazes or visible damage.
  7. Seat colour and shape.
  8. Tyre colour and type.
  9. How many gears, there position, there style or type.
  10. Any accessories you may have – Lights, reflectors, mud guards, chains.

General Security Tips For Protecting A Bike

  1. Always lock your bike, even if you are only nipping into a house or a shop for a minute. It can take only a few seconds to steal a bike.
  2. Try and secure your lock around the frame and handle bars for further protection.
  3. Remove any items that can be stolen easily such as: Lights, torches or reflectors.
  4. When possible try and lock the bike to a non-removable item, things like tress or railings can come in useful.
  5. Do not leave the bike in a dark area where it is out of sight, this will give any would be thieve  more time and cover to breach the bike security is. 
  6. Register your bicycle online. This will help the police reunite you with your bike if it is recovered.
  7. Get pedal cycle insurance it won't stop your pedal cycle being stolen, but will help you replace your bike if it does happen giving you peace of mind.
  8. Get a good quality lock - Check out Sold Secure for locks.

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