4 min read
21st May 2018

Travel Advice For Backpackers

Some people spend their whole life intending to travel around the world with nothing but their backpack. It is never as simple as it sounds so here on some handy tips to help you whether your travelling solo or with friends.

Choosing the backpack

It is key to find a good quality backpack which is comfortable, durable, and will fit all your stuff. You should make sure that the straps are well padded so it cushions your body from the pain if you have to carry it for long distances.

Research before you go

Talk to friends who have visited the places you wish to go to, ask them for advice, do your research on the places online and via backpacker guides to make sure that you don't miss any of the "must see places" as this is the reason for your trip.

NB: Do not over plan as this could mean you cutting short your time in places you find and really love, or staying too long in a place your not enjoying. You also need to be able to adapt your plans as you may wish to join fellow travellers for a while or go to a place that they have just been and said was amazing.

Travel Insurance

A key feature of backpacker insurance is its medical cover.  As travellers we often overlook these cover levels because we're so used to getting free treatment on the NHS but in other countries, medical care can cost thousands of pounds. And some hospitals may not offer you treatment unless they know you can pay for it.

You also get cover for your possessions if they are lost, stolen or damaged while you're travelling, having good backpacker insurance can make all the difference. It means you can set out on a trip with peace of mind.

Be ready to make friends

When visiting incredible places its likely you'll also meet amazing people. Through out your trip you will meet loads of new people, who you may become great friends with. Whether that is the communal areas of your accommodation bar, canteen, recreational areas or on excursions (white water rafting, bungee jumping etc.) Remember they are travelling as well so will be just as nervous as you so reach out and enjoy getting to know new people.

Get rid of unwanted company

However, you're not always going to want to travel/stay with your new found friends and there will be people that you meet that you won't want to see again let alone travel with them. Its important to know how to communicate this and to continue to do what you want to.

Make copies of your travel documents

You should have a digital copy of your travel documents - passports, travel details (flights, ferries, trains etc.), drivers licence and bank cards in case you lose them you will have a record. It is also a good idea to leave a copy of these with your parents or close family member when you are travelling as it will also act as a further safety net.

Leave gadgets at home

Don't waste your money on gadgets. When you go backpacking your realise they are not as important as you think. You will be having too much fun so just take the essentials with you.

Backup plan

It always a good idea to have a second bank account with money in to use in case of an emergency.

You can also have a plan in place for money to be transferred abroad from your parents or another account - plenty of companies do this such as transferwise,

Please see our article on Transferring Money Abroad

Loose the beauty regime

Just take the essentials, shampoo and soap in small quantities so they don't take up too much space. When your travelling some places where you stay may offer guests these for items for free - "A penny saved is a penny made" and all that.

Don't take too much

Remember your going to be constantly on the move - so carrying your backpack virtually every day, so the heavier it is the more it will weigh you down. Trust me pack light as we all know when we go away we always take stuff we never use or wear. Most Hostel's will have laundry facilities and if not there will be one in the town or you can clean your clothes the old fashion way in the river. 

Clean sheet

Its a good idea to have a clean sheet / sleeping bag liner as you may end up late at night arriving at your accommodation for the night and the bed sheets haven't been cleaned.

Watch out for scams

There are plenty of people in this world that are looking at ways of scamming people and tourist are an easy target. Remember if a deal seems too good to be true it normally is.

Keep Calm

Things may go wrong at some point. its important to try not to panic and think of it as part of the experience. It will actually teach you how to deal with problems - so there is a positive in that sense. So whatever has gone wrong, whether you have missed a flight, lost your passport, had some money stolen or got completely lost - you will come through it and out the other side a more rounded person .

Local transport

Read up on the local transport options, which are generally the cheapest way to travel around a city as many tourist options have inflated prices.

Keep in touch

Its never been easier to stay in touch with family and friends so let them know where you are, where you are heading next. As one man said "it's good to talk" it is also very important for people to know where you are in case of an emergency.

Look after your feet

Travelling involves being on your feet most of the day, so make sure you look after them. Good quality shoes, sandals will make all the difference plus a soak at the end of the day.


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