2 min read
5th March 2019

UK Student Studying Abroad? Top Tips To Assist You In Remaining Safe

Photo by George Dolgikh from Pexels

As an international student you are automatically viewed as an 'easy target' as you are not familiar with the surroundings and you can sometimes seem a bit naive. However, by following these safety tips you will become less likely to be a victim of crime and will be more prepared when taking the daunting journey abroad.

Before The Journey Starts:

  1. It is vital that you have study abroad travel insurance that covers you abroad. Also check if the policy includes medical insurance as well, you can never be too safe.
  2. Before going to your chosen country do as much research as you can so you are prepared. Visit the college or universities website and understand how they operate and what services they offer. Also research the area you are living in and how day to day life works.
  3. Try to always have the university or college help centre number with you at all times, you never know when you will need assistance.
  4. Also have photocopies of your travel documents with you just in case you lose the hard copy.

When On The Journey:

  1. Avoid carrying huge amounts of cash with you. Work out your plan whilst on the journey and take just enough money to cover that. For example bus tickets, food or taxis.
  2. Never leave your luggage unattended, even if you think it will only be a minute. A bag can disappear in a second never mind a minute. Also have your luggage labelled with an address on it, so if it is found by local authorities or a kind member of the public it can be returned to you.
  3. Another advisory tip which is commonly used is to carry around 2 wallets. In the ‘fake wallet’ have a small amount of local currency and an old bank card, that way if you are targeted by thieves you can hand over the fake wallet.

When You Arrive At The Destination:

  1. When darkness approaches try not to travel around the area alone. Keep to well lit streets, and walk facing oncoming traffic so they can see you and your surroundings, if anything were to happen.
  2. Try and familiarise yourself with the area in daylight, do some dummy runs to places to find the safest and quickest way home when you do have to walk at night.
  3. Avoid broadcasting where you live and avoid taking strangers back to your property, they may seem nice and friendly, but could have an ulterior motive.
  4. If you are attacked shout as loud as you can, this will normally bring attention to you and could scare a criminal off.

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