1 min read
16th April 2019

Vehicle Crime

vehicle crime

All crime is distressing, but being stranded without your car can be particularity nerve racking. But by adopting the following steps you can help prevent/reduce your chances of becoming a victim.



  • Lock all doors, windows, sunroof and boot every time you leave your car no matter how briefly.
  • Never leave the ignition key in the car even when the car is parked on your drive or you are filling up with petrol.
  • Set the vehicles alarm and immobiliser if fitted.
  • Never leave valuables and other possessions on show. If you leave a jacket on show a thief may break into your vehicle to see if it is covering another item or based on the chance that you may have left your wallet or purse in it.  Where possible take you items with you, if you can't leave them in a locked boot out of sight.
  • Fit a lockable fuel cap and wheel nuts particularly if you have alloy wheels.
  • If you suffer a broken window try and have it replaced with specially strengthen glass which will make it more difficult for a thief to break in.
  • Never leave:
    • Driving documents and any personal correspondence in your vehicle as these could help the thief sell your car.
    • Cheque books or credit/debit cards
    • Mobile phones


  • Try and park in well-lit busy areas.
  • Always engage the steering lock.
  • Don't leave your helmet or other possessions on your motorcycle.
  • Where possible secure your motorcycle to something solid to stop it being carried away.
  • Keep the lock off the ground as it makes it more difficult to break.
  • For extra security consider installing a ground anchor at your home.
  • Don't leave you motorcycle keys lying around.
  • Always use an approved sold secure security device.

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