2 min read
5th June 2018

What To Do When You Arrive At University

Top 10 Tips Of What To Do When You Arrive At University

students lounging

When arriving at University, there is no doubt it feels like a daunting experience. Knowing some handy tips to make you feel more comfortable and relaxed at University can go a long way.

Here are the top 10 tips:

  1. Join The Campus Doctors - It is likely you will need to see a doctor in your 3 or more year stay at University. So why not sign up to the doctors provided by the University.
  2. Check paperwork – Make sure you check all the documents the University have sent you, there could be recommended reading tips, or advice on books to purchase to make your course easier and more understandable.
  3. Loans – Ensure you check the dates your student loan goes in and negotiate with the accommodation provider as to when the payment will be made.
  4. Accommodation – Get to know your accommodation, does it provide washing machines? Do they come at a cost? Have a look round and become familiar with the surroundings.
  5. TV License – Check if your accommodation requires you to have a TV license, it may be included in the cost. Also if you are not taking a television to University let the company know to prevent them sending letters all year round.
  6. Research – Research the University and City, there may be things you need to know. Bus times, when events happen, different buildings fir different lectures.
  7. Student Union – Get in touch with the student union and find social events out. They will have information on when clubs meet, when trails to join a team are, also contact details to speak to managers or team captains.
  8. Banks – If you are setting up a student account, look around for the best deals. Do not let the marketing tactics real you in such as free alarm clocks or free stationary.
  9. Cooking – Look around in student cook books on how to make meals, and most importantly how to save money when cooking. Companies sometimes offer cheap freezer foods too which can also help in saving money.
  10. Insurance for students – A dreaded phrase, nobody wants to hear it. Unfortunately, students are a target as they have lots of pricey equipment, and the students living in a property will tend to have laptops, iPads, smartphones and other expensive equipment. Therefore it is essential, that all the students, get student possessions insurance.

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