less than 1 min read
28th February 2019

Why Do I Need Camera Insurance?

Photo by Al Elmes from Unsplash

Camera Insurance, like the insurance of any of your personal possessions, is there to make sure that if you accidentally damage or break your equipment or if your equipment is stolen, you'll have a repair or replacement. Cameras, Camera Lenses and other photographic equipment can be very expensive to replace.

What's Covered?

With our gadget insurance we can cover your camera and photography equipment up to £1,000 both anywhere in the UK, and up to 45 days worldwide. So if you're going abroad and want to take lots of photographs, your camera is covered. Our insurance can cover you for theft, accidental damage, loss and breakdown. For full cover details click get a quote.

My Camera Is Worth More Than A £1,000?

Under our essentials insurance product we can cover your camera equipment up to £3,000, in the section  "Specified Items | Cover Anywhere Within The UK" you just need to list item and its value to get a price.

You can also cover camera equipment as part of a main possessions policy, which you might find is surprisingly affordable. If you’d like a quote or more information visit tenant's possessions insurance. Adding your camera equipment into the  Specified Items section will mean that they’ll be covered anywhere in the UK, whether they’re stolen or accidentally damaged.

Top 10 Digital Camera Security Tips 

  1. Casing/Bag — Be sure to purchase a camera case, although it may seem like extra cost when purchasing the camera, it could, however, save you money should you drop your camera and it saves the camera from breaking.
  2. Storage — When storing your camera in a case be sure not to leave the lens attached. Damage can be caused to the threads which attach the camera and lens should you apply too much pressure.
  3. Stolen camera finder — Every photo you take with your digital camera contains hidden information about both the image and the camera such as the make, model and date. This information, called exif can also include a unique serial number which identifies your camera. The stolen camera finder searches the internet searching for photos, collecting the serial numbers of the cameras that took them which can help locate your camera.
  4. Do not leave it unattended — Always keep your camera with you at all times and at least locked away securely. Leaving it out of sight is only inviting opportunists to steal your camera.
  5. Heat — Avoid leaving your digital camera exposed to heat, it can cause damage to the lens or photos you already have stored on the camera.
  6. Call card — When taking photos out and about be sure to leave a call card in your camera bag. This should have your name and a suitable contact telephone number on it. This help in case you accidentally leave your camera somewhere and hopefully a Good Samaritan will pick it up and return it to you.
  7. Marking — Be sure to mark your camera and lenses with an ultra violet pen with your name and postcode and also make notes of your camera equipment serial numbers. This can assist policy when tracking stolen goods.
  8. Use a camera strap — When walking around taking photos in various places consider using a camera strap around your neck. This means the camera is always in your eye line and much more difficult to steal as opposed to if it was in your hand.
  9. Safety pin/Pad lock — Consider placing a safety pin through the camera bag zips. This can prevent potential thieves from opening your bag in crowded areas. You can always use a pad lock which has the same benefit as it stops people opening your bag.
  10. Insurance — Ensure you have appropriate insurance in place for your camera. Cover4insurance can offer protection for cameras against accidental damage, accidental loss, theft and breakdown. Insurance can prevent you from paying hundreds in the event of damage or loss of to your digital camera.

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