2 min read
5th February 2019

Why do I need mobile phone insurance?

Most of us think that we will never suffer a loss as we think 'it won’t happen to me'. Or we think that if my phone gets stolen I will simply buy a new one. In some cases that may be true as if we have an ancient mobile we may be able to pick up a replacement for £20, but for those of us who are tied into contracts lasting 12 months to 2 years, if we lose our phones we still have a monthly cost to pay. With many new iPhones /Smartphone’s costing between £750 — £1,000 could you really afford to replace it if your phone went missing tonight?

How many times you have gone to leave the house and you thought to yourself keys, wallet, phone check, then gone no where’s my phone.? You have then had to ask your mum or dad, partner or child to ring your phone as you can’t find it?

For mobile phone insurance with no age limits set on the phone.

For information on Mobile phone insurance click here

If you you require mobile phone insurance cover abroad.

For information on Mobile phone insurance click here

And the smart person in your family/house always goes "Where did you last have it?"
"If I knew that, I wouldn’t be asking now would I? Just ring the phone".

With the very nature of mobile phones being small, it is so easy to misplace or drop them and we all do the above. You realise that you put it down by the kettle while you were making a cup of tea or the kids were playing a game on it and its now under the couch in the living room.

girl looking at a phone

Ask yourself how many times that you have dropped your mobile phone or heard a story of a friend that has dropped his/her iPhone down the toilet and has now put their phone in a packet of rice in the vain attempt that this will fix the damage caused by the water as it helps to dry it out.

In summary the main reasons we need our mobile phones insuring, is to protect us against the cost of replacing it, if the unthinkable happens; with our main concerns being:

  • Theft.
  • Loss.
  • Damage.

Trust me, we are not immune to bad things happening to us, as I write this article my colleague that sits opposite is in the process of reporting his phone stolen — proving that even an insurance broker is not safe from the bad people of this world, the thief doesn’t stop to ask if you’re a nice person or are you insured, they just take.

Don’t be the person that thinks I never claim on my insurance policy — Do I really need it? What am I paying my money for?
Remember you have the peace of mind that if the worst does happen then the insurance policy is there to protect you.
We all hope that it will never happen to us — but unfortunately bad things do happen and that’s why the insurance is there.

For mobile phone insurance with no age limits set on the phone.

For information on Mobile phone insurance click here

If you you require mobile phone insurance cover abroad.

For information on Mobile phone insurance click here

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