Student Insurance—Definitions

Any word defined below will have the same meaning wherever it is shown in your policy in bold print. We have listed the definitions in alphabetical order.

Accident / Accidental

- This means a sudden, unexpected unusual specific event, which occurs at a definable time and place.

All Risks

- Anywhere within the United Kingdom.

Bodily Injury

- Is sustained by the insured person during the period of insurance is caused by an accident and occasions the disablement of the insured person within twelve calendar months from the date of the accident.

College / University / School / Educational Institution

- The university, college, school or educational institution at which you are a full time student.

College / University / School / Educational Institution Term

- The weeks of full college/university/school/educational institution academic activity as published by your college/university/school/educational institution.

Credit Card(s)

- Credit, cheque, charge and cash dispenser cards all belonging to you solely for private use.

Desktop Computer Equipment

- Your monitor, hard drive, mouse, keyboard, printer, and accessories up to £150 in total including preloaded computer software.
- Equipment used for business purposes
- Loss or erasure of, or any damage, distortion or corruption to records, data programs and software.
- Indirect loss of any kind.
- Laptop and portable computers.


- Means physical incapacity that entirely prevents you, from attending to major duties of your own studies.


- A registered Medical Practitioner in the United Kingdom or any other physician acceptable to us.


- A change of your details or cover which appears on your schedule and forms part of your possessions policy.


- The first part of any claim you must pay
- If claims are made under two or more sections for loss or damage resulting from the same cause at the same time only one excess will be deducted from the total amount of the claim payment. In this case the highest excess will apply.

Forcible and Violent Entry

- Forcible and violent entry or exit to or from your accommodation, which is evident by damage to the building at the point of entry/exit.


- Upward and/or lateral movement of the site on which the insured address stands caused by swelling of the ground.

Insured Address

- The room or rooms occupied by you at the address stated on your schedule.

Landslip or Landslide

- Downward movement of sloping ground

Laptop and Portable Computers

- Includes all small hand held or lap held computers defined as, but not limited to laptop, palmtop or PDA's.
- Desktop computer equipment.
- Games consoles.


- Coins or bank notes in current circulation, cheques, traveler's cheques or banker's drafts. Postal or money orders, gift vouchers and current postage stamps that are not part of a collection. Saving certificates, premium bonds or saving stamps. Luncheon vouchers, trading stamps, telephone cards, current travel or other tickets with a fixed monetary value all belonging to you.
- Securities, promotional vouchers, lottery and raffle tickets and Air Miles vouchers.
- Money used or held for business purposes.


- The insured address is left unoccupied for no more than 30 consecutive days.

Off Campus

- Privately rented accommodation.

Period of Insurance

- As shown in your schedule.

Personal Possessions

- All household goods and clothing belonging to you or household goods rented to you for which you are legally responsible under a written agreement making you responsible for insuring them.
- Musical instrument(s) and accessories.
- Caravans, boats, motor vehicles, trailers, vessels, aircraft, surf and sailboards and their respective parts or accessories.
- Mobile phones their accessories and related costs.
- Securities or documents of any kind.
- Living creatures.
- Personal possessions used for business purposes.
- Pedal cycles and accessories.
- Property more specifically insured by this or another policy.
- Desktop computer equipment and accessories.
- Laptop & portable computers and accessories.
- Contact lenses.
- Money and credit cards.

Possessions Policy

- This comprises your policy booklet, your schedule and any endorsements.

Pre-Existing Medical Condition

- Any condition, injury, illness, disease or related conditions and/or associated symptoms, whether diagnosed or not, which in the 12 month period immediately prior to the start of insurance:
  • you knew about, or should reasonably have known about, or
  • you had seen, or arranged to see, a doctor about.

Replacement Value

- The cost of replacing as new, except for clothing, household linen, rented household goods and college/university/school/educational institution property on loan, where a deduction is made for wear and tear.


- The document detailing the sections of your possessions policy which states your sums insured and any special terms and conditions which may apply.


- Means your sickness, which declares itself during the period of insurance and causes your disablement within twelve months of declaring itself.

Single Article Limit

- The limit that applies to any individual item insured.


- Downward movement of the site on which the insured address stands by a cause other than the weight of the buildings themselves.

Sum Insured

- The amount stated for each section of cover as shown in your schedule or notified to you at renewal.

United Kingdom

- England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.


- Where you have not stayed in the insured address for 30 consecutive days or more prior to the loss being discovered.


- Those periods between the end and the beginning of published college/university/school/educational institution.


- Any article of gold, silver or other precious metal, jewelry, pearls or gemstones. Watches or clocks. Works of art, pictures and curios, collections of stamps, coins, bank notes or medals. Furs or leather jackets.

We / Us / Our

- For cover sections 1 - 5 and 7 - 20 and 22 - 25, this insurance is underwritten 100% by Lloyd’s Syndicate 4444. Lloyd’s Syndicate 4444 is managed by Canopius Managing Agents Limited. Canopius Managing Agents Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Canopius Managing Agents Limited’s registered office is Gallery 9, One Lime Street, London EC3M 7HA. Registered Number: 01514453.
- For cover section 6 only, this insurance is administered by Legal Insurance Management Limited, arranged by UK & Ireland Insurance Services (Online) Limited & underwritten by UK General Insurance Ltd on behalf of Great Lakes Insurance SE. Great Lakes Insurance SE is a German insurance company with its headquarters at Königinstrasse 107, 80802 Munich. UK Branch office: Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3AJ. Legal Insurance Management Ltd and UK General Insurance Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch, is authorised by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of their regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority are available on request.
- For cover section 21 only, this insurance is underwritten by White Horse Insurance Ireland dac. Registered Office: First Floor, Rineanna House, Shannon Free Zone, Shannon, County Clare, Republic of Ireland. White Horse Insurance Ireland dac is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. This can be checked with the Central Bank of Ireland by visiting their website

You / Your / The Insured

- The person named as the policyholder in your schedule.